ἐphemera ONE is the metaverse art and architecture studio, specialising in hybrid and ephemeral experiences. We work at the tension in-between virtual and physical realities to produce new tangible spatial senses. The studio consists of architect Daria Smakhtina and engineer Vadim Smakhtin. The duo’s skillset covers a mix of disciplines, which allows them to innovate with intent and freedom from both design and engineering perspectives mixing innovative spatial design with new kinds of technological ideas.
Daria Smakhtina – architect and artist with a wide experience in architecture and urban design. As a co-founder of ἐphemera ONE studio Daria is responsible for space creation and artistic part of the work. She is experimenting with non-physical spaces while searching for new forms of cross-species communication and environments that they can inhabit. Daria led workshops and lectures on designing and modelling architectural spaces specifically for WebXR platforms at multiple worldwide universities and online programs including The Bartlett UCL and DigitalFutures.World InclusiveFUTURES initiative.
Vadim Smakhtin – creative engineer, doctoral candidate at the Synthetic Landscape Lab, IOUD, University of Innsbruck. Works with spatial data and its artistic representation. As a co-founder of ἐphemera ONE he is responsible for data analysis and technical tasks like constructing an updatable VR spaces from various data sources. As a background, Vadim has a wide experience working in big data startups, leading everything from data processing to architecting cloud-based client-server applications. He is also experienced in creative engineering, working on various technological art projects.