Moscow Study | Dissolution

"Moscow Study / Dissolution" is an eight-channel piece which is based on Christian Müller's multichannel piece «The Other», performed live at Stanislavsky Electrotheatre in Moscow in 2019, and the 3D-scan of the Electrotheatre space rethought by ἐphemera ONE.
To realize this project, we had to go through a few steps and solve several technical issues.
First, we scanned the Electrostairs - a complex multi-story space inside the Stanislavsky Electrotheatre where the original performance took place 2 years ago. The scanned model was optimized to the point it could be opened and used as a performance space in Mozilla Hubs. We modified the original light, added some elements and the sound. And finally, as we started to observe the eventual version of the space and sound, we added a layer with disappearing sparkling particles to sharpen the sense of dissolution and dispersing of the digital copy of the real place.
"Moscow Study / Dissolution" keeps the original setting of four speakers in a horizontal plane around the audience and four speakers in a wall-like, vertical plane on the audience's back side. While the two planes are in dialogue with each other, the quadro systems were conceptualized independently of each other. The musical material for the piece was played live in improvisations with small analogue synthesizers, reprocessed and constantly resampled. These processes are reflected in the space architecture and design.
The “SEAL.x2 Connecting Spaces” compilation created in frames of the Pro Helvetia FastForwART program for supporting the new formats of cultural exchange.