Space as a Story is a presentation space for ἐphemera ONE workshops.

We currently exhibit the outcomes of Space as a Story workshop that was a part of InclusiveFutures workshops organized by Digital Futures.

It was an intense five-day workshop during which participants investigated how virtual architecture can become an unfolding narrative. Through the experiments with topology, lighting, and sounds we learned how to catch user's focus, create points of interest in virtual space, and design trajectories for the journey of a future visitor. Participants produced spatial concepts and drafts of the space that transmits a story.

One of the sources of our inspiration and form-finding for this workshop was Steven Holl’s idea of “Space”. He describes a new elastic spatial perception, or architectural experience, one that depends on the movement of the body through space.

“The turn and twist of the body engaging a long and then short perspective, an up-and-down movement, an open-and- closed or dark – and – light rhythm of geometries – these are the core of the spatial score of architecture.”
(Steven Holl. “Parallax”. 2000)

This point of view gives us a feeling of the essence of architecture - a link between real-world architecture and a virtual one. We consider VR architecture as ARCHITECTURE OF EXCITEMENT or Experience. We can think of it and prototype it as a sequence of spatial experiences. And although it is not real, we still perceive it and play with it the way we do with the built environment.